Tips & Tricks
Things Relating To Education That Are Interesting To Know
Strategies For Supporting Learning @ Home
During the coronavirus crisis, parents and other caregivers have suddenly become responsible for managing their children’s education at home. With everyone at home together and teachers facing new challenges too, promoting learning can feel impossible. Follow this link for helpful tips for multiple ages.
White Teachers Need To See Color. Here's Why.
By, Joy Mohammad
We can’t pretend like race isn’t an issue in our classrooms. Read the full article here.
Why Are Kids Different @ Home and @ School?
By, Beth Arky
Some kids with learning or behavior issues do great at school, where structure makes them feel secure. At home, though, they totally lose it. For other kids, the opposite is true. School triggers their symptoms because it is stressful for them. They seem like different kids at home, where they’re more relaxed. Read the full article here.
Supporting The Emotional Needs of Kids With Learning Disabilities
By, Rachel Ehmke
An anxiety log can help you spot patterns in your child’s behavior. And that can make it easier to find strategies to help your child feel less anxious. You can find examples of logs here.
California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project
Child Mind Institute
An evidence-based video series with accompanying study guides. It includes introductory videos for caregivers and educators, and videos to teach kids five clinically proven mental health skills: understanding feelings, relaxation skills, understanding thoughts, and managing intense emotions. You can find the website here.
Supporting The Emotional Needs of Kids With Learning Disabilities
By, Rachel Ehmke
When kids are diagnosed with a learning disability we naturally worry about how it will affect their school performance. What we often don’t think about, but should, is how having a learning disability may affect children emotionally. Read the full article here.
How Attention Works
By, Peg Rosen
Paying attention may seem like a single action or skill. But it’s actually a process that involves a number of steps. Read the full article here.
How Sensory Processing Issues Affect Kids In School
Child Mind Institute
Sensory processing issues can cause problems for kids at home and at school. Sensory processing issues happen when kids have trouble handling the information their senses take in.Read the full article here.
Evidence-Based Resources To Help Start A Conversation About Mental Health Skills (For Parents)
The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project
You can use these evidence-based resources to spark important conversations and teach your kids a set of essential mental health skills. Find them here.
Evidence-Based Resources To Help Start A Conversation About Mental Health Skills (For Students)
The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project
Being a teenager isn’t easy. These evidence-based resources teach a set of mental health skills that can help now and for the rest of your life. Find them here.
The LEGO Foundation Announces $20 Million to Support Neurodivergent Children
By, Allan "Tormentalous" Tran
The LEGO Foundation has announced that they will be investing $20 million to prompt innovation supporting neurodivergent children. The new program called Play for All is designed to celebrate the strengths of neurodivergent children and help ensure all children have the right to play, learn and thrive. Find more information here.